Today, we are going to talk about how togrow on Instagram the right way in 2020because a lot of the stuff thatyou’ve been watching is the wrong way. Well, I’m not necessarily sure about that,but I’m going to give you some right ways,things that I’ve actually tested myself. And first and foremost, we’regonna just go down the list. You’re actually have a couple of ninedifferent things for you right now. A lot of people talk about hashtagswhen it comes to Instagram, and. Yeah. I used to think hashtags were, whatever. It seems like it was a lot of spamming,but what I found recently was when westarted to use hashtags after we spoketo a couple of people that have a hugeinfluence influence on, on Instagram, theyhave, we’re talking about a couple hundredthousand, couple million followers or so. What we learned was that you can use anapp called in grammar, that’s I, N G R a ME r. com and they actually have ahashtagging tool that you can use. There’s a lot of differenthashtagging tools out there. I just like using theirs becausethere’s a lot of different options. There’s one column that showsreally popular hashtags. You might want to choose just a couple ofthem cause you can pick 30 hashtags andyou know you have a middle tier. So the really popular is over like amillion people that have posted to thosehashtags. Middle tier is maybe a couple of hundredthousand and the lower tiers under a ahundred thousand so you genuinelywant to have a, a bigger mix. If you’re a smaller size,you want to have more of a. You know, small versus medium sized tags,and then you might have some big oneslayered in there. and what I found was thatwhen we post our Instagram. What tends to happen is we might get 50 or75% of the viewers actually come from thehashtags. So it’s about picking the righthashtags at the end of the day. So, and you can go up to 30, right?And what I would recommend afterwards isafter you find a couple of that work, justcopy them. You can copy them to your iOS device,copied them to your note or whatever, andthen you can basically justcut and paste from there. It’s a lot faster than having tofind hashtags every single time. Now the second thing, I got this tipfrom Chris Do and I recommend watching. His, the YouTube video that I did withhim or the interview that I did with himrather on how to grow 10,000Instagram followers organically. So, look, I’ve tried all this stuff inthe past where using pods, using thesedifferent follow unfollow techniques,those ways are fairly spammy and theyaren’t for the longterm. But the way Chris DO does it is. He has a really big design following. So what he does was,is he makes a carousel. He makes a carousel. It’s like one, one, two, maybe seven,eight carousels where he gives you valueon how to do design, howyou should do topography. So basically I sat him down and we chattedfor about 30 40 minutes or so, and weactually did a video on that on how togrow your Instagram followers, or you canlisten on whatever platformyou’re coming from. So 10,000 Instagram followers per week. That’s what he does. And I think he’s actuallypicked up from there. So we started doing carousels on ourInstagram, which is at eric O Siu. And from there we’ve actually seenthe engagement start to tick up. Like we’re, we’re startingto hit our stride with it. Now. The third tip is you canactually do guest carousels. And I actually got this tipfrom, from Chris Do as well. So interesting fact here. If you go to his Instagram,it’s the Chris DO. It’s DO, and you can check it out. I actually, our guest carousel is on therewhere we talk about the latest marketingtrends, and at the very end of it, it’s acall to action to text us, check out ourpodcast, and this, I gave him the copy,to basically say, Hey, you know what?My friend Eric Siu basically came up withthe marketing trends that they have amarketing podcast called marketing school,which just gets over a million downloads amonth. So we did all the work for him andwe provide a value to his audience. And then from there. We gained about, and by theway, our Instagram’s not huge. We have about 6,000 followers or so. We gained about 600 so 10% of ourfollowers came from that one post. So that tells us that there’s a, there’sa big signal there to do more guestcarousels. So we’re actually getting more people toagree with that to work with us on thatand actually think that’sgoing to take off very quickly. So now’s the time to jump on that. I think that’s a trend that’s very hotright now, depending on when you’rewatching it. The fourth thing, this kind of goes handin hand, but if I’m doing guest carouselswith someone, I’m collaborating with them. So there’s other ways to collaborate too. You can pay someone that’s an often cover. A lot of the, the big areYouTube or Instagram influencers. They do pay people to do, to shout out andthe up and comers, they might not charge alot of money. It might be $20 $50 or so. They’ll pay for the shoutout. You can do a giveaway of some sort. A lot of these people, let’s say you’reselling bikinis, you can reach out to alot of these models and then justsometimes you can just as simple as givethem a hundred, couple hundred dollars,and then also just have them promote, thestuff that you have and justgive it to them for free. Now, a lot of them aregetting smarter about that. They realize their, their worthis actually much more than that. So good for them. I think they should realize that, butnow it’s still a time that you can. if you want to do that, it mightmake sense for your, your business. My friend Noah Kagan, if you follow him onInstagram, Noah Kagan, he actually did the31 day challenge. or a contest and each day he was doing allthese giveaways and you can basically turnyour email, you can follow him onInstagram, you can follow him on YouTube. Basically each, each time you, you enterin information or like something if you’regoing to get an additional entry, right. That’s how you can enter in toget more entries for the contest. Depending on the giveaway that he’s doing. So contests can still very much work. You just have to execute it well. And there’s a lot of differenttools out there you can use. Um, you can use KingSumo giveaways. You can use, I think there’s a rafflepress, which is owned by my friend Sayed. The only thing I’ll say is this, I usedto in the past before I started to focus alittle more on Instagram. I didn’t post that much. And when you, when you don’t post thatmuch, obviously the algorithm is not goingto pay much attention to you becauseobviously they want more posts, they wantmore content so they can show more ads. Cause there’s an ad based company. So post frequently, some people they’reposting, we’re talking one to three timesa day. Now. We’re trying to get up tothat cadence right now. So we realized the more we’re posting,the more reach that we’re getting. And the other thing I’ll saytoo is you could try the. Instagram TV, you can try Instagram. But what I’ll say is experimentwith different formats. So what I do is I might write a tweet onTwitter, and if I think the tweet is worthcarrying over, then I’llpost it to Instagram as well. And what’s interesting is if you look atour numbers in the last year, some of ourhighest reaching posts,actually the majority of them. Are coming from the tweets, thetweets, it’s largely tweets. And then the second, the second placeis to carousels, which I talked aboutearlier, but what I’m realizing is thetweets don’t take the, they take me maybefive to 15 minutes to write, and I justposted an Instagram and a lot of peopleengage with it. And usually sometimes I might just posta carousel that like I might have a tweetstorm of seven tweets. I might just make it aseven carousel thing. And that way I’ve created. Seven tweets. And I’ve also created seven carousels,and I’ve also posted it to stories. So that’s 21 pieces of content in one day. That’s what I considered content. And the final thing I’ll say aroundInstagram is doubling down on what works. So it seems like a very dust statement,but there’s so much to do with Instagram,there’s so much to do withall these different channels. I wonder how many times I said Instagram,and on this video there’s a lot ofdifferent options that you have. I would say if you have a businessaccount, look at your numbers, look atwhat works, and just double down on thatbecause there’s no need to try to reinventthe wheel. Once you start to latch, you findsomething, latch onto it and just go allin. So let me know what you thinkI missed in the comments. And if you’re coming from YouTube, don’tforget to check out the next video overthere. Don’t forget to rate, reviewand subscribe as well. Hit the bell button if you’re coming fromYouTube and we will see you tomorrow.
How to Grow on Instagram the Right Way in 2020