A few years ago I created a video calledhow to use Instagram to promote yourbusiness and this was a very wellreceived video so many people in mycommunity reached out to me and told mehow helpful that video was for helpingthem understand Instagram and how to useit and specifically how to use it topromote their businesses but so much haschanged with Instagram in the last fewyears we’ve gone through severalalgorithm changes and so many newfeatures being added to Instagram that Ithink it’s about time to create anupdate to that video so that is whatwe’re going to be talking about today soif you are looking for an updatedstrategy for using Instagramspecifically to grow your brand orbusiness onlinestay tuned hello my Charmed Ones andwelcome back to my channel for anothervideo and if this is your first timewith me I would like to say welcome myname is Alexis but I’m also known asmiss trenchcoat all across the InternetI’m an online entrepreneur who designsthemselves productivity tools strategiesand skills to help you manifest successwith less stress so if that soundsinteresting to you I’ll leave some linksdown below in the description box whereyou can check out more of my work onlineand feel free to download some of mylatest free productivity tools over atthe charm shop comm so today’s video isgoing to be structured a little bit morelike a class where I’m going to beteaching from slides I have my computerright here in front of me and that’sjust to make it easier for you to followalong because there is a lot ofinformation in this class that I want toget through in as quick amount of timeas I cannow like normal I’m not going to begiving out the slides to this class butwhat I am going to do instead is giveyou an incredibly valuable free downloadand Instagram content planner so thisInstagram content planner is going tohelp you take what you learn today andintegrate that into a real 30 dayInstagram marketing plan for your brandand business so grab the link at the topof the description box it’s going to besoovaluable for anyone who’s interested inthis topic of growing your Instagram forbusiness and honestly it’s somethingthat I would normally give to thestudents in one of my online businesscourses but I decided to give it away asan accompaniment to this video because Ireally wanted to make sure that each andevery one of you who is interested ingrowing your Instagram for business andlearning how to use Instagram morestrategically was able to see resultsvery quickly from using these strategiesoh and can you guys see my new shirtthat I’m wearing today it saysentrepreneurship is the new black yeslike the name of that class I put on afew years ago this is actually from anew line of merch that I created withteespringif you’re watching this video throughYouTube you should see if somethingbelow the video that is kind ofpromoting these new merch designs I havea couple of different designs these aremostly going to be like tops and shirtsbut there are a few other accessories aswell to make it a little easier for youall so make sure to link be new designsin the description box just in caseyou’re not seeing that promo below thevideo so definitely check them out ifyou want some inspirational officeattire or new office accessories oh andone more thing before we get startedplease take a moment right now to goahead and give this video a thumbs upgive it a like if you like this topicand you’re interested in this topic andmake sure you’re subscribed to mychannel for more awesome productivityplanning and online business contentbecause I have lots of great new contentcoming your way and since we’re talkingabout Instagram today why don’t you goahead and show your instructor a littlelove by following her on instagram atmiss trenchcoat and that way you can letme know how things are going for you asyou start executing on these strategiesokay so without further ado let’s goahead and jump into today’s content okayso what you’re going to learn in today’sclass I have structured this informationinto three parts part number one is themechanics of Instagram where you’regoing to be learning how to get youraccount set up and optimized forbusiness use in the next section we’regoing to be talking about posting toInstagram so we’re going to be talkingabout all of the different hostingoptions like I said therea lot of new options at it and we’regoing to talk about what they’re eachused for so that you’re not confusingthe purpose of each and making the bestuse of each of the options and then thethird and final section is going to beten tips for using Instagram for yourbusiness so this is going to be thestrategy to follow for growing yourfollowing and selling on Instagram aswell so part number one the mechanics ofInstagram so what is Instagram for anyof you who are completely fresh and newto Instagram it is a photo and videosharing social media platform so it’sjust like all of the other social mediaplatforms out there where you sign upfor an account and you’re able toconnect with other people specificallyin a business setting you’re going to behopefully connecting with people who aregoing to be your audience your followersand your customers now Instagram is kindof like the Swiss Army knife ofplatforms right now there’s a lot ofthings that Instagram is trying to doand it’s doing it very well actuallyso for instance Instagram has killedsnapchat it’s replaced periscope and itwants to be YouTube and it’s evenbeginning to mimic Pinterest in someways in preparation for today’s video Ieven noticed a new video call feature soI have a feeling that Instagram is goingto be coming for like FaceTime and Skypeas well so kind of watch out for thatbut Instagram gives you the ability topost photos and videos to your feedlivestream to your following post24-hour temporary posts to yourInstagram story and to post longer formvideo content to your Instagram TVchannel so like I said really the SwissArmy knife of platforms integrating thebest of photography and video into oneplatform now if you did not knowInstagram was purchased a few years agoby Facebook and ever since Facebook hasgotten their hands into Instagram therehave been a lot of new changes andupgrades so due to the integration nowwith Facebook Instagram can also helpyou to shop through Instagram you canrun ads do group chats through DMand save inspiration to boards this bookhas really changed a lot about Instagramand for business owners who have beenusing the platform for a while it canfeel like some of these changes areactually making it more difficult for usto remain relevant but realistically wehave to remember that everything thatfacebook is doing is ultimately toincrease user engagement andprofitability of the platform whichmeans they want to make sure thatthey’re doing a good job of keepingusers happy with the content thatthey’re getting on the platform so allthis work that we do for our businessesbuilding followings and creating contentisn’t just lost overnight becauseInstagram goes under or Falls to acompetitor so remember that now let’stalk about how to get set up onInstagram so obviously if you want tocreate an Instagram account you can goahead and do that it’s absolutely freeyou sign up via email or Facebook Idon’t know if they’re gonna change thoseoptions in the future but those are theoptions I see now and of course thefirst thing that you’re gonna want to dois to choose your username your handlethat you’re going to be using on theplatform now this is very importantbecause if you’re a business owner yourusername should be in line with yourbusiness make sense right your pictureshould also be your business logo or ifyou are like me and you’re kind of theface of your brand it should be aheadshot of you that is used in othersocial media as well and this is just todevelop consistency for your audiencewhen they see that consistent businessname when they see that consistentbusiness icon photo either your logo oryour headshot they know that the personthey’re following is truly you is trulya representative of your brand andbusiness now a very popular question Iget for those who actually do run abusiness and would like to sharepersonal things on Instagram as well isshould you have more than one Instagramaccount if you want to use one forbusiness and one for personal and myanswer for that is yes if you areplanning to use Instagram to grow yourbrand of business but you also want toshare a lot of your personal life a lotof things that really aren’t relevant toyour businessgo ahead and just create a secondaccount it makes it so much easier foryou and really helps to keep yourprivacy if you’re someone is reallygoing to be posting a lot of personalthings now you might be wondering aboutme I only have one account welltechnically I have two I have one undermy Mis trenchcoat which is the one Iactually use and I have another one thatis the name of my website strange andcharmed but I don’t use that strange andcharmed one I just kind of have it thereas a placeholder so that no one takesthat name but realistically I’m notsomeone who shares a lot of the detailsof my day-to-day life or like personalthings everything from my life that Ishare is business-related for me for themost part so I haven’t felt the need tocreate a second account but that could Iguess change in the future but for nowyou know my name is trenchcoat accountis the one that I’ve used for years andthat’s where I’ve got my following oflike 25,000 subscribers or followers sothat is the main account that I use nowthe next step once you create youraccount is to go ahead and create yourbio Instagram gives you an ability toput a bio in there in your profile tolet people know who you are which areabout things like that now it’s reallyimportant to keep in mind that this bioarea if you are a business is not aboutyouand telling your life story but insteadit’s kind of like a social version ofyour elevator pitch this is the areawhere you get to tell people why theywant to follow you and to set the stagefor what they can expect from you interms of content if they do follow youso I highly recommend that you kind ofleave out personal details if they’renot things that play to your brand ifthere are things that definitely play toyour brand let’s say that you are ablogger who focuses on motherhood thenabsolutely you’re gonna want to mentionthat you’re a mother and that you havemaybe a certain amount of children orwhat their genders are or maybe you canshare their names if you feelcomfortable with that because it’srelevant but you probably wouldn’t wantto do that if you have you know abusiness that is not motherhood relatedright so you just want to make sure thatyou keep the details that you share onhere light and fun and really gearedtowards your business and who youraudience is as opposed to talkingspecifically about you so as you can seehave shown you here my little bio andI’m gonna go ahead and read it to you soyou guys can get an idea of what this isaboutso it says productivity and onlinebusiness tools of strategies and skillsI’ll teach you how to manifest successwith less stress get my latest freeonline business toolkit with the linkbelow so that is an example of what I’mtalking about about letting people knowwhat you’re about what you do and whythey’d want to follow you so you can youknow assume that someone following meknow is that they’re going to learnabout productivity and online businessand I’ll talk about tools strategies andskills that they’ll need for thosetopics and of course I’ve got my littlebranded by line that says manifestsuccess with less stress because thatgives more information to people aboutwhat I’m about from about manifestationabout doing things easily andstress-free so that all rolls into mybrand but you see that there’s reallynothing about my personal lifeanything about things that I personallylike or am interested in it’s all aboutmy business and all about what I can dofor my audience so keep that in mindwhen you’re creating your bio now thenext thing you’re going to do with yourbio is to choose your bio link so thereis one link and I say that one link thatyou get for Instagram in quotationsbecause there’s some ways around thisyour bio link is the one link that youget to direct people elsewhere outsideof Instagram so you really want to getstrategic about how you’re going to useit a lot of people use that link treething where they can create a link treeaccount that gives them the ability toactually give their users a fewdifferent options for how they canfollow them or where to go afterInstagram some people like me give afree opt-in something that is like agift or something that really introducestheir audience to their brand theirbusiness their product etc other peoplemight direct their audience to anotherplatform to their shop or to their blogif that’s where they want to send peoplereally this is where you need to askyourself if I could let new followerssee one thing if I can send them oneplace outside of Instagram where would Isend them so really you want to thankabout what your priority is forInstagram and for your businessso a little activity that you can do tohelp you kind of narrow down what youmight want to use as the link is tofinish this sentence I’m using Instagramto blank so fill in the blank is it togrow my community is it to make sales isit to show off my work maybe it’s togrow my listthe person who clicks that link is whatwe would consider a warm lead ok so theyknow a little bit about you and theylike you enough to go ahead and clickand they want to see more of what you’redoing so where should they be going nextif they are warming up to you and youwant to make them a hot lead a hotfollower who might become someone who isa customer in the future and the finalthing that you want to do in setting upyour account is to add integrations soyou can link your Instagram account toyour Facebook business page and get abusiness account or what I’m using rightnow is currently a creator account nowthese are free integrations thatbasically give you access to upgradedfeatures the biggest feature that youget that I would say is the mostvaluable from doing this is the abilityto use the soy up feature to add a linkinto your Instagram stories if you havea following on Instagram that’s likeover 10,000 although there are otherways to get around that actually as wellso it’s not 100% necessary but when youdo have that integration with Facebookto your Instagram you are given accessto be able to have increased analyticsrun ads and really to do some of thoselike shoppable Instagram options thatyou may have seen on Instagram if you’vebeen poking around so that’s the finalthing that you’ll want to do is add anyintegrations that fit for you and areapplicable to the type of businessyou’re running so next let’s go aheadand talk about posting to Instagram solike I said there are a couple ofdifferent options you have for postingto Instagram the first the classic isthe Instagram feed and as you can see inthis picture I have just kind of zoomedin to show you the area of your profilethat is your Instagram feed now hereyou’re going to want to focus on usingthe 1 to 1 square wherefor your images yes you can use imagesthat have slightly different ratios butone-to-one square ratio is what isoptimized for the platform now things toknow about the feed is that this is amore permanent place to post contentthis is where you’re going to want totell the story of your brand businessand focus heavily on your messaging andyour aesthetic this is really going tobe like the meat of your profile on yourInstagram feed images and descriptionsthat you use here and even videos aswell should be very polished highquality well-written because quality isreally what matters here because it’s amore long form and more permanent optionfor sharing content with your audiencethe next option you get is yourInstagram story and as you can see hereand zoomed in on my headshot my logo formy account and you can see it’s got thered ring around it which means thatthere is a Instagram story if peopleclick on that so that’s where you can goand see people’s Instagram stories andhere this is optimized for the 9 to 16ratio which is you know basically justthe screen size of most smartphonedevices now your Instagram story is atemporary posting option it only lasts24 hours when you post something into anInstagram story so here is a reallygreat place where you can share previewsof content products you can sharecontent from other platforms if you havethat swipe up feature you can literallysay hey I posted a new video or hey Ihave a new you know item in my shopswipe up to go check it out right so ifyou have that swipe up feature that’svery helpful but it doesn’t have to beas polished because this is a moretemporary place to post things can be alittle bit more off-the-cuff you couldbe using you know more graphic sort ofpictures and photography here because itis less permanent but of course qualitydoes always count so if you can becreating the best quality graphics hereand photography here and video as wellit’s also it’s always going to helpbolster your brand now I personallyactually have templates that I usebeforedifferent content that I share on mystory this makes it easier for me toshare and gets a audience familiar withthe templates so that they kind ofunderstand and pay attention when theysee something that they usually like sohere’s a few examples of some templatesthat I have ready to go I’ve got atemplate that I have that she’s where Ilike to share my videos by putting likemy video image in the computer screen Ialso have some just like desk shotswhere I can you know create lists orgive people information I will oftencreate templates that promote thingslike in this example the online businesstoolkit free class and a PDF guide it’sa promotion thing that would have aswipe up in there and then the finalimage is a screen of my iPhone whereagain I could replace that screen andput something in there maybe a call toaction content another image somethingthat gets people a little bit moreengaged so I found that having sort oftemplate images or graphics goes a longway for helping me to really be able tokeep my story filled and promote otheraspects of my brand of business onlinethrough Instagram now the next optionyou have with your Instagram story isInstagram story highlights and I havekind of zeroed in here on my iPhonescreen where you can see that I’ve gotlittle circles of topics that say hivibe office inspo I think the next oneis maybe freebies and you can see that alittle graphic and and if you click onone of those what it does is it bringsyou to a selected feed of differentinstagrams stories I’ve posted in ahighlight now I think when it comes toyour Instagram highlights it’s reallyimportant to think strategically aboutwhich highlight categories you want youraudience to see and which Instagramstory posts that you save to thesecategories because it’s easy for thesehighlights to get very long and reallyjust like muddled up with content sojust save a handful of posts into eachcategory so that people don’t getannoyed having to watch or click throughlots of different content in addition Irecommend choosing your highlight coverimage wisely as well I know a lot ofpeople are doing these graphic iconcovers for their highlights but honestlybecause Instagram is an image basedplatform I think it’s important to use avery pretty like eye catching image forthese and I think that that probablydoes better than a generic icon alsokeep in mind that when it comes to yourhighlight cover images you aren’tlimited to using images that are in thathighlight you can actually upload othercovers so I recommend doing that use thenicest pic that you have thatillustrates the category for your coverso that people want to click on it wantto learn more and then get to see a verystreamlined collection of highlightsthat you’ve chosen to reallyindoctrinate them into that categorythat probably speaks to some area ofyour business like I said productscontent things like that for mycategories I like to keep collectionsbefore products and different areas thatspeak to my business like officesupplies or free downloads that I haveor you know productivity and planningtopics so think about the topics thatyou would want to show people on yourhighlights and again just streamlinewhat those images are going to be thatyou’re going to have there and hopefullyyou’ll be able to better direct youraudience through your content and helpthem to quickly and easily identifyother content or products or evenservices that you offer that may helpthem develop a stronger bond with yourbusiness specifically now the nextposting option is Instagram live andagain this is another 9 by 16 ratio justthe size of a smartphone screen now inorder to access your lives you will alsosee them in that same circle that yourstory is in so actually if someone has alive and a story you click their theiricon and you’ll actually get an optionfor which one you want to view now theInstagram lives are an option that youwill actually find when you go to takean image for your Instagram story orpost to your Instagram story it’s justone of the scroll wheel options at thebottom that says live now again thelives are a temporary option for postingto your account and it’s really a greatway to talk directly to your audiencethis is good for creating a live eventfeeling for a promotion or interactingone-on-one with your customers gettingfeedback sharing more of thebehind-the-scenes of your life doing youknow ask me anything sort ofquestion-and-answer sessions there’s alot of different ways that you can usethe live feature but remember it’stemporary it only lasts 24 hours it’sreally more for spur the moment type ofyou know interactions and authenticinteractions with your audience orcustomers now for higher turnout ratesthough I would definitely suggest thatyou schedule and announce any lives thatyou’re doing so that you’re followinggets a chance to like know that you’regonna go live instead of just randomlygoing live whenever yes you have theability to do that and Instagram willshare with your followers that you havegone Lize but I think it’s always betterto be able to schedule something likethis and let people know or create likean ongoing schedule like hey guys Ialways go live for a Q&A session aboutmy products on Tuesdays at 1:00 p. m. Eastern something like that right if youkeep it consistent or at least announcewhen you’re going to do it it gives youbetter chance that people are going toshow up live and when they show up livethey have the ability to interact withyou and again that’s just more authenticinteraction and bonding between you andyour brand and your audience and thefinal Instagram posting option is IG TVand again this is optimized for the 9 by16 ratio or 16 by 9 ratio which is thestandard sort of high-def videodimension so as you can see in my imageyour Instagram TV feed is also downwhere your highlights are and itactually is marked IG TV now thesevideos are really supposed to be morepermanent high quality video contentthat you’re going to put here unlikeyour Instagram story these do not expireyou choose when you delete them and sothis is really an opportunity for you tocreate content that is a little bit morehigh qualities and another benefit ofusing the Instagram TV feature is thatyou have the ability no matter who youare to add a link into the descriptionso this is a great optionfor sharing videos that might be contentpreviews you know creating additionalcontent for your Instagram promotingprop promoting products and even youropt-ins you can do a lot of differentthings here create sort of almost likecontent commercials I would say for yourbrand and your products services etc nowI do want to stress here that it is veryimportant though that this content hassome sort of value you don’t want tojust make everything a commercial but itdoes give you the opportunity toshowcase your brand and your businessproducts etc at a higher quality leveland it’s more permanent right you’regonna want to invest time and energyinto creating the best video as possiblebecause it’s going to be able to sitthere and I believe you’re actually ableto post videos that are up to an hourlong using the IG TV function now Ithink you only get maybe like 15 minutesif you are posting directly from yourphone but Instagram now has like aweb-based video uploader so you couldlike upload a full hour long video toInstagram from your computer sodefinitely put time and effort intothinking about what sort of videos youmight want to share herewhat sort of links or things you mightwant to add into your description sothat you’re sending your audience toplaces specifically that work for yourbrand and your goals now we get into thethird and final section of this classand the 10 tips for using Instagram foryour business this is going to be heavyInstagram strategy here so tip numberone is to take photos and videos withthe best camera that you have access toso use a DSLR camera if you can so thatis what I use to take my pictures forInstagram most of the time and videos aswell even those template images that yousaw for Instagram were created with aDSLR camera because quality does matterit goes a long way for speaking to yourbrand and your brand’s quality as wellI’d also like to recommend here that youedit your photos before you post themright so even if you’re taking photos onyour smartphone devicethere are lots of different editing appsthat you could be using on your smartphone on your computer etc to make thephoto look a little bit better a littlebit more high quality even if it wasn’ttaken with a DSLR some examples of appsthat I use and love on a regular basisare after light facetune pic frame overUnion and Rona design so definitelycheck those outthey are iPhone apps I’m not sure ifthey are available on Android or Googleor anything like that but those are theones that I use and rely on tip numbertwo is to use great lighting now if youare new to photography and do not knownatural lighting is the best possiblelighting that you can use it gives yourpictures the best possible quality nowif you are in a situation where you donot have a lot of great natural light itis fine to use studio lighting if youhave sort of studio lamps or things thatyou can set up to take your picturesanyway that you can add light to a photois great now another option you have isto use bright daylight bulbs in lamps orfor example here in my office thelighting that you’re seeing is partlycoming in through a double window that Ihave in my office but also I have brightwhite daylight bulbs in my ceilingfixtures and that helps to create a moreeven toned look for my pictures and myvideos so consider something like thatyou can always put these sorts of lightbulbs into a lamp and kind of createyour own at-home studio lighting if youdon’t have that option and finally usethings like reflectors to enhance lightyou can use things like white boards orany other sort of balance boards there’splenty of different photography optionsand I’ll maybe link some down below foryou guys to check out just some reallygreat tools that you can add to yourphotography you know bundle forInstagram but these are going to also goa long way to help you create you know amore light filled image so those imagesare higher-quality and go a longer wayto speaking to and you know catching theeye of your audience tip number three isto stick to your brand color scheme inyour Instagram photos so what I meanhereto use the colors and patterns and evensorts of filters that are all the samethat speak to your specific brandingthis will help to visually distinguishyour brand from others even those inyour niche so if you can see here inthis picture I’m showing you just like alittle snippet of some pictures that areon my Instagram feed and what you’regoing to see here is a lot of black andwhite a lot of high contrast and liketurquoise right because that turquoisecolor is my signature color so blackwhite turquoise those are my brandingcolors and you will see that I use a lotof high contrast on my pictures that’skind of what I mean by filters you justwant to make sure that your images kindof all look the same that people knowthat all of these photos belong to yourbrand and you can do that by stickingwithin your brand color scheme andsticking to sort of treatment of imagesthat are in post-production in yourediting process that are all the sametip number four is to use consistentbackgrounds for any photos that might besort of like styled desk shots or thingslike that you can use a whiteboard or aphotography backdrop for something likethis it’s very common for people to usethose like foam board is a really goodway to kind of get that whiteboardeffect you can also use different sortsof cardboards wrapping papers you knowsheets blankets marble as you can see inmy image here and even sorts of tilesorts of patterns and things like thatas a background so the thing here isthat you just want to kind of choosewhat your backgrounds are gonna be andbe consistent with it and make sure thatthe backgrounds that you use speak toyour brand obviously if you’re someonewhose brand is a little bit more likecountry or rustic you might want to uselike wood or like the wood paneling as abackground for your images because itmight speak more to that sort offarmhouse country rustic feel so just dowhat feels right for your brand justmake sure you keep things consistent alot of my backgrounds end up being likeblack or white or like marble like thisso this is just an example of just likea generic image background that I wouldhave tip number five is to define yoursubject matter so ask yourself whatsubjects speak to your brand andbusinessfour things that you could be takingpictures of and sharing on yourInstagram feed as you can see here onthis collection and images that I puttogether from my feed there’s a lot ofoffice and desk and coffee sort ofinspiration here some of my productstech gadgets just things that sort ofevoke the idea of working for yourselfworking from home being an entrepreneuretc and of course I threw a picture ofmyself in there a selfie because eventhough I do focus on my content topics alot I do like to make sure that peopleremember what I look like and shareselfies of myself as well but my brandbecause it’s you know because I’m not amodel and I’m not someone who’s verylike focused on me I do tend to sharemore often than not photos that are thesituations that anyone could literallysee themselves walking into like a deska computer etc really help people toconnect with the image and feel likethis is their life this is the lightthey could have if they work with Alexisand her brand and her products etcanother point I want to make on theconsistent subject matter is also theuse of sort of consistent props so ifyou can see in some of these imagesthere’s a lot of things in thesepictures that are the same right so myglasses planner even some like deskaccessories that you might see when youkeep all of these sorts of thingsconsistent people are going to begin torecognize your pictures in the feedwithout even having to see your name nowI personally like to keep all of theseitems very realistic I don’t ever justthrow things into my pictures just forpeople to see I really make sure thatall of the things that I’m takingpictures of are really things from mywork to give a very authentic feel to myphotography tip number six is to stickto the big five content kings when itcomes to the content and thedescriptions you’re writing for yourfeed I know a lot of people havequestions about what they should bewriting as the descriptions of theirpictures and even to some extent thesubject matter as well for the photosthat they should be sharing on theirfeed and they all come down to thesefive content categories number one isto educate so teach your audiencesomething that has to do with your brandin business through your picture andthrough your descriptionnumber two is entertained so show themsomething funny or relatable somethingthat’s going to help build like aconnection of trust between you and youraudiencethe next is inspire so give them amessage that is going to uplift them andreally inspire them into action or toreally just help lift up their vibe buttheir their energy their mood because ifyou are someone who can affect theirmood you’re absolutely someone thatthey’re connecting with number four isinform so show them something like thebehind the scenes of what goes into yourbrand and business so often we havethese perfectly curated feeds and peopleare dying to know what’s behind those sofeel free to inform your audience ofwhat goes into the work that you do andwhat goes into your brand your businessand again that just develops more trustwith your audience and you and finallybe sure to interact so engage with youraudience ask them questions do communitybuilding or even sell to them throughyour pictures and descriptions rememberyour Instagram account is not just aboutyou talking to them but really trying tobuild a conversation with your communityso posts that help your audience tointeract with you or to interact withyour business are very important tipnumber seven is to use relevant hashtagsso if you didn’t know hashtags are likethe search engine of Instagram so whatyou’re going to do here is make sure youhave a collection of relevant hashtagsat the bottom of the description foryour post now the way you can do this isactually go ahead to your discover tabof your Instagram and search for tagsand what might be relevant keywords thatyou might use to describe a picture it’simportant here that you’re choosingrelevant tags that really do speak towhat people are seeing or getting fromthe content that you’re sharing keep inmind there are like millions ofdifferent hashtags out there so it’sreally important that you stick to onesthat are as irrelevant as possible andavoid a lot of the big spammy tagsI personally find that using just ahandful of very relevant targeted tagsis a better way to get new followers andnew likes than it is to really load yourdescription box up with like everypopular tag there is and the reason forthis is that a lot of the more populartags end up getting marked as spam byInstagram and their algorithm and if youhappen to have a spam tag on your photoit’s actually gonna end up blocking thatphoto from showing up in any search forany hashtags so keep that in mind it’sbetter to check out the hashtag makesure it’s legit make sure it’s not spamand use them strategically because ifyou don’t you could run the risk ofactually getting your photos seen by noone because you’re accidentally usingsomething spammy and here in the photo Ijust want to point out you can see thatI’ve shown you guys you know someexamples of some hashtags that I mightuse on my photos and again they willchange from image to image but as youcan see if you read through this a lotof it is planner productivity personaldevelopment and like self managementrelated all having to do with my brandall having to do with the topic that wasshared in that description now tipnumber eight is to network and interactremember Instagram is a social platformso don’t just post photos and wait forlikes you need to go out and findfollowers and interact with them as welland don’t just follow people to havethem follow follow you back and thendrop them as soon as they follow youback be genuine about who you’refollowing who you’re networking with whoyou’re interacting with as you can seein this picture that I’ve shared withyou you know I make sure that whenpeople leave me thoughtful comments toleave them a response and that’s reallyhow you’re going to grow trust andauthenticity for your brand and businesswith your followers and convertfollowers into potential customers tipnumber nine is to have a plan you need aplan for your social media feed so thatyou remain consistent growing andinteracting with the community you’rebuilding and this is exactly why I’vegiven you that free Instagram contentplanner so that you can sit down andthink about August andthat’s been shared in today’s class andreally put these strategies into actionby mapping out the content that you’regoing to post on a monthly basis nowwhen it comes to mapping out andplanning your content there are someadditional things you can do to helpdevelop routine and consistency withyour audience for example there are someshops that will share their new releaseson specific days of the week so thathelps to develop consistency with theiraudience because their audience alwaysknows that for example maybe onWednesday the new releases are out sothey begin to anticipate and get excitedfor Wednesday and know on Wednesday Ican see what’s new in my favorite shopalso think about running promotions inline with your Instagram even if you’rerunning promotions outside of Instagramon your shop through email on anotherplatform think about integratingInstagram into these promotion plans ifyou have a coupon code share it onInstagram as well perhaps in yourInstagram story as opposed to your feedbecause it might be a temporarypromotion but just make sure you’reputting thought into using Instagram inline with the rest of your businessefforts so that you have that followingthat you have built on Instagram beingincluded in whatever offers andpromotions and things that you might bedoing elsewhere and finally tip number10 is to follow the 8020 rule forselling this means that 80% of yourposts should be sharing relevant contentand 20% of your posts can be promotingyour products so if you think about thisout of 5 posts 4 can be content and thenone has a sales call to action forexample now the reason we follow the80/20 rule is because you do not want tobe constantly bombarding your audiencewith calls to action or sales orpromotions or showing them o buy thisbuy that do this do that you want togive them incentive for sticking aroundand being part of your community andthose things need to be reallyhigh-quality valuable content that againspeak to the subject matter that you areposting in your account and those bigfive content kings that we talked aboutearlier now I have a few other tips thatI don’t want you to forget about when itcomes to Instagram number one that it’snever been aboutnumbers on Instagram it’s always beenabout community as with most platformsyour Instagram Fowler account is reallyonly a vanity thing as a business ownerif you don’t make more money because youhave a larger following and thanks toalgorithm changes your whole followingis likely not seeing your posts anywayonly the people who are constantlyengaging with you are the ones who arereally going to see everything you postso now it’s more important than ever totreat Instagram as a place where youshare more intimately and authenticallywith your core community to give themincentive to be checking up on youregularly so that they’re the ones whosee your posts number two is that thepoint of Instagram is still to socializeat its core Instagram is a social mediaplatform and even though you and I mightuse it for business the point is toactually socialize with our followersthis means actively engaging with themin our content and actively respondingto their questions and comments weshould also be actively engaging withthe content of those that we follow aswell the platform isn’t just about youand you definitely have people that youare connected to that you’re followingand you should absolutely pay them thefavor of making sure you engage andinteract with their content as wellnumber three is a big one you guys andthat is the pain for followers and likesis still against the Terms of Serviceand if you’re thinking wait you can payfor followers and likes on Instagram youcan but like I said it’s against therules so it’s clear that for somemisguided people Instagram followers andthe lake numbers are a reflection of thevalue of their brand so they purchasefollowers and likes in order to makethemselves look better but this behavioris against the Terms of Service forInstagram and can get you banned it’salso fraudulent for brands orinfluencers to do this in hopes ofgaining more opportunities or even freePR packages because you are defraudingthe other company now you might thinkthere’s no way that someone can tellthat you’re doing thisbut alas there is smart businesses knowthat a quick scroll through your userfollower feed can quickly show aprevalence of unusual accounts andspammy accounts usually they’ll have alotforeign sorts of accounts that don’tmake sense for the brand and justaccounts that just look like they’respamming right like free followersfollow for follow things like that butjust look wrongalso sites like social blade actuallytrack and publicly make available statsfor Instagram users and publish thatdata on their site so so I can easily goback through your data and see if you’vehad large spikes of followers in a shortperiod of time and then a significantloss of followers as well this is alwaysa dead giveaway that an account haspurchased followers because Instagram isconstantly purging spam accounts so youbuy some and you lose some when theyaren’t true followers and if you are abusiness owner who wants to work withother influencers online I want you toremember this because you should checksocialblade historical data for anyoneyou’re sending free samples to we’repartnering with for a promotion becausemore people than you think actually dothis and like I said they can pay forlikes too it’s not uncommon for afraudulent brand to pay for light to asponsored post to make it look like theyheld up their end of the deal but trustme you won’t be seeing a return on yourinvestment from working with them sothis is very important for those of youwho want to start business accounts orwant to use Instagram to work with otherinfluencers as well keep this in mindnumber four is that Instagram is stilldisposable content driven because it’s asocial media platform the lifespan of apost at is max is maybe one day meaningthat you can expect activity to sharplydecrease on a post after that amount oftime the Instagram algorithm favors morefrequent posting so I see many brandedaccounts posting like two or more timesa day which is a lot of content when youthink about it now I want you to knowthat just post as often as you can on aconsistent basis and for at least once aday but if you can only do once a weekthat’s a better that you do itconsistently then to be inconsistentwith your posting because all of thisdata goes into the algorithm and reallygoes a long way for deciding how youraudience is going to see your contentand number five don’t forget thatInstagram should not be your onlyplatform although you can do a lot ofthings on Instagram it shouldn’t be theonly place that you focus on growing afollowing you need to have your ownplatform like a self-hosted website oran email list because you don’t controlthe platform and it can go away at anytime or you could lose your accountit does happen more often than you thinkand unless you are a very famous personInstagram isn’t going to help you getyour account back so it’s always a goodidea to make sure you have followingelsewhere not just on a social mediaplatform like Instagram also I want toremind you to prioritize your accountsecurity with two-factor authenticationfor good measure you would be surprisedat the amount of accounts that arehijacked because of poor passwords andpoor security practices so don’t forgetto do that because you do not want tolose all your hard work for somethingsilly like a hijacker now that you haveall this information I want you to goforth and kill it on Instagram because Iknow that you now are well-prepared withstrategy and a content planner to makesure that you are putting your brand’sbest foot forward on the platform now ifthis class just blew your mind andyou’re interested in seriously upleveling your digital marketing forInstagram and beyond I have to perfectof resources for you to consider rightnow if you need help with onlinemarketing strategy to uplevel yourbusiness or if you need help withcreating group images for your Instagramor other social platforms to uplevelyour business marketing I would highlyrecommend my program empire buildingthis is a self-paced online business andmarketing course delivered through sixvideo modules with digital workbooks andactivities it’s everything you need tocreate your brand grow your followingand earn an income on line for those whoare getting started and if you want touplevel your photography the digitalstyling lightroom also known as charmDSLR for short is the choice for youthis is a digital styled stockphotography class delivered through asix video modules digital worksheets andguided tutorials everything you need tocreate perfectly branded photography foryour own online platforms to attract andgrow youraudience so if you want to learn moreI’m going to leave some links in thedescription box where you can check outmore about empire building and thedigital styling Lightroom today’s classis it a sales pitch I just wanted tomake sure that anyone who does want moreinformation and wants to work with meknows the options that are available tothem and so moving forward from today’sclass what are the next steps I meanyou’ve just learned a lot about usingInstagram for your business so pleasegive this video a like if you forgot todo that already and leave me a commentand let me know what you learned fromthe class if you have any questions onanything specifically let me know youcan leave me a comment down below orshoot me a DM on Instagram at Mitchtrench boat thank you guys so much forwatching today’s class make sure you’resubscribed for more awesome content byme and until next time bye bye
How to Use Instagram to Promote Your Business in 2020!