I want to make sure that when people go onmy profile it’s like boom, the Vanessa Lauand if that ever gets shared, other peopleare like, ah, that’s a Vanessa Lau contentpiece. what is up everyone welcome back to my channel,the best place for new coaches, content creatorsand entrepreneurs. Now first things first,I am so happy to be back in my home base,Vancouver, Canada and as you can see the backdropis finally in my new office and if you’vebeen following me for a while, you know thatthis has been a long time coming and I cannotwait to eventually share at my office withyou, but that will be another video. Anyways,I’m super excited for today’s video. The reasonwhy is because lately I’ve been thinking alot about 2020 and I have a feeling a lotof you guys are as well, but for me specifically,I’m thinking about my social media strategyand again, even more specifically on Instagrambecause you guys know I’m the Instagram girl. That’s why as I was thinking and brainstormingways that I wanted to grow next year and thingsthat I want to do differently so I could standout and get more traffic to my page. I figured I might as well share some of thethings that I’m implementing with you guysbecause I have a feeling you’re probably inthe same boat as me wanting to grow next yearor even just in a place where you want somepure inspiration on how to grow on socialmedia, which is what I’m all about. That’swhy if you are interested in all of this,this video is going to be perfect for you,but before we dive into this video, I havesome important shout outs that I want to say,so let’s get started. Before we dive intothis week’s awesome video, we want to shoutout the comment and YouTube channel of theweek. Thank you so much relieving these kindsof messages onto last week’s video. Not onlythis, we also want to shout out the Instagramstory and profile of the week as well. Thank you again for shouting out our videos. Now, if you’re watching this and you’re wonderinghow can I get featured in the next video,it’s very simple. Number one, you could eitherleave a comment below on this video or youcan take a picture of this video and shareit with your audience on Instagram. Just don’tforget to tag me now. With that out of theway, let’s just dive right into this week’svideo. All right, welcome back. Let’s divein. Dee. First thing that I want to sharewith you guys, that’s something that I’m goingto be implementing a lot more next year andI’m already implementing now, is creatingshareable content. And I talk a little bitabout this in this video right here. So definitelycheck that out so you can see the elaborationof it. But basically I realized that withmy current Instagram strategy, or at leastmy Instagram strategy for 2018 it was veryme focused. I really was trying to get my brand out there,get people to understand what I’m all about,and that meant long form captions and a nicepicture of me, yada, yada, yada. And to behonest, the reason why I was doing that alot was because likes still mattered. AndI was like, okay, well those get the mostlikes. And every time I post a quote or everytime I post something else, you know, it justdoesn’t get that many likes. But now thatInstagram has removed likes, it’s honestlyhave been so freaking liberating and I feellike I can take a lot more creative controlwith my account and not really care aboutlikes. Not that I cared about them that muchbefore, but still we’re human. I get it ifyou care about vanity metrics. And so that’swhy next year and even starting now, I’m creatingmore posts that are actually going to generatemore people sharing them. And so if you really think about it, peoplearen’t really going to be sharing a photoof me, you know, they’re less likely to dothat. But if I post something like this, that’sgoing to get a lot more shares, a lot moresaves. And that’s kind of the KPI or the keyperformance indicator that I’m going to betracking for next year. How many shares isactually happening with my posts and the reasonwhy I’m really focused on creating these contentpieces that are very share worthy is becausethe more people that share my content, themore traffic that I’m going to get onto myprofile. And that’s kind of what I want. Iwant people to get to know my account. I wantpeople to get to know what I offer. So bydoing that it’s going to get more eyeballsonto my page. That’s why next year I’m definitely goingto be focused more on creating shareable contentfor my audience, but also for my audiences,audiences, audiences as well. All right, somoving onto the next thing that I’m goingto be implementing for 2020 and again I’vealready started implementing now is basicallycreating a more streamlined brand for myself. Now, if I reflect back on 2018 and 2019 whenI was on Instagram, I didn’t really have anythingrecognizably mine. So for example, I didn’thave a specific thought that I was using ora specific color palette that I was using. And I do want to emphasize that these thingsaren’t the most important, but for me at mystage, I really want people to be able tosee a piece of content of mine and be like,ah, that is so Vanessa Lau. And I think that’simportant because I want to create that brandrecognition. Now am I saying that this is important foreveryone? No, not at all. This is just a personalthing that I want to implement and this meansthat when I’m creating that shareable content,I’m using my brand colors, I’m using my brandfont, I’m putting my brand logo on it. I reallywant to create content pieces that are veryrecognizably mine. And I think that that’simportant because when you’re on Instagram,people are sharing things. There may be copyingwhat you’re doing and everything like that,but when you are very, very streamlined inhow you present yourself online and it’s veryconsistent, then people are going to be ableto recognize you and your, you know, brandinga lot better. I think that was a very longwinded answer, but basically I just want tobe more streamlined. I want to make sure thatwhen people go on my profile, it’s like boom,the Nessa Lao and if that ever gets shared,other people are like, ah, that’s a VanessaLau content piece. Now earlier on in this video I did mentionthe fact that Instagram was moving likes andsome of you guys have been damning me askingme how I feel about it and everything likethat. And I think that’s interesting becauseI live in Canada, so the likes have been removedfor a while. But since it’s now hitting andbeing implemented in the U S it’s like a newthing now. But for me, I’ve had some timeto digest, not having likes. And originallyI was a little bit upset by it because I workhard to create a very cultivated communityand for that value metric to be taken away,it’s just kinda like man. But I got over itand it honestly isn’t that big of a deal. And if anything, I actually find it to bea lot more liberating. Even for me. Ever sincelikes have been removed, I started to postmore like real content and not necessarilyperfect curated pieces on my feet and I’mgoing to continue to do that in 2020 so basicallythe next thing that I’m going to implementis I’m going to implement way more real andraw photos of my day to day life in perfectphotos of my not necessarily photos that areprofessionally taken. Now does that mean that I’m not going to takeprofessionally taken photos? No. I actuallyreally enjoy having those photo shoots andhaving those type of photos on hand, but Ido want to implement more photos that area little bit more authentic and not necessarilyperfectly feed approved. This is a littlebit contradictory considering the fact thatearlier on I was talking about wanting tocreate more streamlined branding. Now I’mgoing to give you a preview of my feed. Soas you can see here, what I have planned isyes I have streamlined branding when it comesto the shareable content. But for everythingelse it’s still, you know, my photos, whetherit’s professionally done or not professionallydone. So when you actually look at the feedin birds eye view, it’s still going to lookvery polished and again, having a polishedfeed isn’t going to make you or break you,but it’s something that I like to have personally,but anyways, all in all, what I’m trying tosay is that ever since Instagram removed likes,I am going to create more content that’s alittle bit more relatable and not necessarilyalways perfectly curated. Now, speaking of perfectly curated feeds,the next thing that I’m going to be implementingnext year is I’m going to do a less long format captions. Now, this doesn’t mean that I’mnever going to do long form captions again. I’m going to definitely be doing long formcaptions because I have a lot to say and I’mnot going to let long form captions versusshort form captions stop me from giving thevalue that I want to get. If it’s going totake me 500 characters to do it or a thousandcharacters or five characters to do it, I’mgoing to do it. But the reason why I’m puttingthis as my 2020 strategy is because back thenI was a huge advocate for long form captionsand my entire feed is filled with long formcaptions. It might as well be a freaking book. Now, the reason why I was a huge advocatefor it is because back then nobody was doinglong form captions or not. A lot of people were. Instead people wouldput a peach emoji and call it a day and thatwas so not valuable. But nowadays, now thatit’s a trend and now that everyone is recommendingto do long form captions, everyone is doinglong form captions. It’s not as special anymore. Obviously don’t let any rule stop you fromgiving the value that you want to give, butif you are put in a position where you feellike you can’t put a one-liner of value becauseit’s not going to perform, if it’s not longform captions, then I really highly adviseyou to drop that expectation for yourselfbecause that’s what I’m dropping in 2020 I’mnot going to tell myself, okay, if it’s notthis long, then I shouldn’t post it. I haveto deliver this much value in a post. I’mnot going to do that anymore because I foundmyself confined in that box and that’s whyI’m moving into 2020 you’re going to see alot more, you know, shorter captions fromme and that’s going to be okay because that’snot what my feed always needs to have. So again, if you’re finding yourself feelinglike you need to always do long form captions,drop that in 2020 all right, moving onto thenext thing that I’m going to be implementingmore in 2020 and that is I G T. V. now thisis a long time coming. I’ve always wantedto experiment with IGT V and actually a lotof you guys DM me asking me for videos, butI GTV but I’m just kind of like, well I don’tpost IGT V so how can I do a video on somethingthat I don’t really have that much experience?And for me I realized it was a huge disserviceto a lot of people of me not being on IgETV because I am the Instagram girl and it’skind of ironic that the Instagram girl doesn’thave GTV. So now that it’s been a full yearof me being on YouTube and mastering YouTube,I now feel ready to kind of dive into anothertype of platform vehicle, which is IGA TV. Now I’m don’t know if I’m going to be doingunique content on HGTV. Maybe I might be doinga lot of repurposing, which is actually somethingthat I’m definitely implementing a lot in2020 which is repurpose and content. And ifyou’re interested in learning about contentrepurposing, visit this video right here. Basically I am going to be experimenting withIGT V more and I’m really hoping that I cando more videos for you guys about IgE TV becausethat’s something that I really haven’t talkedabout a lot and if I’m going to position myselfas a resource to you guys when it comes tosocial media strategy on Instagram, I definitelywant to challenge myself to use as many platformsas possible and that’s kind of something thatyou’ll be seeing next year on my channel twois me talking about other platforms otherthan just Instagram and just YouTube becausepersonally I’m going to be actually puttingmy fingers in more platforms come 2020 butthat can be for another video. Anyways, guys, those were the things thatI’m going to be personally implementing inmy 2020 social media strategy for Instagram. Please comment below and let me know whichone you might be implementing, things thatyou think are really great ideas or even yourown strategies that you might be doing nextyear. I’d love to hear more about it. Notonly this. In the meantime, while you waitfor next week’s video, make sure that youalso get a chance to download my blueprintright here where I teach you how to turn yourfollowers into clients. So if you’re everinterested in starting a client based businessand you really want to learn how to mastersocial media in a way where you can get moresales, make sure you download this blueprint. Not only this, I post a lot of videos aboutsocial media, entrepreneurship, coaching,all the likes of that. So make sure you checkout these two videos that I have right hereas well as always, guys, I appreciate you. I hope you guys have a great day, a greatweek, and a great life, and I’ll see you inthe next video. Bye guys.
My Instagram Strategy for 2020 (EXPOSED!)